Monday, September 23, 2019


Hello Cozy Lake Families,

I know our little ones here at Cozy are too young for vaping but its never to early to at least discuss the dangers of smoking. I have received numerous reports and alerts on the dangers of vaping and most recently received a Public Awareness Alert from NJ Department of Health that I feel is important to share out with all of you.

Electronic smoking devices were introduced into the US market in 2007 and use of these products has skyrocketed to the point that in 2018, more than one in five high school students and about 1 in 20 middle school students reported using e-cigarettes.  This is double the usage from 2017.

In addition, there have been numerous reports recently of youth needing to be hospitalized due to severe respiratory illnesses as a result of vaping.

Because of these alarming trends, the NJ Dpt of Health has created the following resource.

Click the link below and you will find an informative page on the NJ DOH site that provides Parents, Teachers, Coaches, and Healthcare Providers with the most up-to-date information about the dangers of e-cigarettes/vaping.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to me at (973) 697-4777 ext. 5535.


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Welcome to our 2019-2020 School Year!!!

Hello Cozy Lake Families!
Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year!  We are off to a great start.  The students are adjusting well to Cozy Lake, their new teachers, classrooms and friends!  We have an exciting year of informative and interactive events planned for your children.
Here on this blog you will find updates, requests, and information that will ensure you stay up-to-date on Health and Wellness issues here at Cozy Lake.  Please check back often.  I will be posting throughout the year as needed.

Please click the links below for additional health office information.

When To Keep Your Child Home From School

District Medication Policy

Cozy Lake School Food Policy

Non-Food Birthday Celebration Ideas

Cozy Lake Breakfast and Lunch Program

Screening Information

Head Lice Information