Monday, November 19, 2018

LICE Reminders

Hello Cozy Lake Families,

It is not unusual to have random reports of lice throughout the school year.  That being the case, I wanted to remind you to:

  • Check your child's hair for lice and/or nits if they report itchiness.  
  • Encourage your daughters with long hair to wear their hair up &
  • Encourage all your children to avoid direct head to head contact

For more information, refer to my post on October 10th.  For much more in-depth information, refer to the DISTRICT HOME PAGE<DISTRICT OFFICES<STUDENTS & PARENTS<HEALTH SERVICES<FORMS<LICE HANDBOOK.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to me at (973) 697-4777 ext. 5535.