Thursday, February 7, 2019

Friday's Theme of the Day: Sleep

Students frequently come to the nurse's office in the morning with the complaint of being tired.

School age kids need 10-11 hours of sleep a night.  Bedtime problems can start at this age for a variety of reasons.  Homework, sports and after-school activities, computers, TVs, mobile devices, and hectic family schedules all can contribute to kids not getting the sleep they need.

Sleep-deprived kids can become hyper or irritable, and may have a hard time paying attention in school.

It is important to have a consistent bedtime, especially on school nights.  Leave enough technology-free time before bed to allow your child to unwind before lights-out.  A good rule of thumb is switching off the electronics at least one hour before bed and keep TVs, computers, and mobile devices out of kids'  bedrooms.

Thank you all for actively participating in Wellness Week 2019.  Be sure to consistently review and reinforce with your children the many ways they can take care of their bodies so we can all stay happy and healthy all year long.