Monday, April 26, 2021

Allergy Season and COVID

 Hi Cozy Families, 

Allergy season is upon us!  We welcome the warmer weather, the sun and the blooming flowers, but the runny noses and itchy eyes...not so much!  

At this time, our community is still in the "high risk" zone for risk of transmission of COVID infection.  As a result, we are continuing to be very vigilant and closely follow the NJ Department of Health guidelines for schools.  The guidelines specify symptoms that would warrant your child's exclusion from school and the need for follow up with a doctor for further evaluation and covid testing.  

Since allergy symptoms and covid symptoms are very similar, this presents a bit of a challenge.    

Therefore, if  your child has congestion, runny nose and/or itchy eyes... those symptoms alone do NOT warrant them being sent home.  The problem arises when those symptoms are accompanied by coughing, fatigue, headache, or sore throat, etc...Unfortunately, when that occurs, we have to send your child home for further evaluation with their MD.  

Like many things, unfortunately, this is very different than how we would normally manage this time of year.  Normally we'd be fine with lots of tissues, face washing, and extra hydration.  That said, I sincerely appreciate everyone's patience and understanding as we continue to journey through this pandemic.  

As always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to me at (973) 697-4777 ext. 5535.