Friday, October 20, 2023

Preschool: Mandated Flu Shot


Good morning Cozy Lake Families, 

Just a reminder, all Preschool families should have received notification of the flu shot requirement for all students 60 months of age and younger.   If your child is under 5 years of age and has not yet had their flu shot, please make an appointment or plan to visit a local clinic to ensure they get their shot as soon as possible.   They are required to receive the flu shot prior to December 31st in order to attend school after winter break.

Once received, please send documentation to me so I can update your child's medical file accordingly.  

Thank you so much in advance for your cooperation.   As always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns at (973) 697-4777 ext 5535 or  

Welcome to Cozy Lake Elementary School's 2023-2024 School Year


Welcome To Cozy Lake!

Thank you for visiting my blog.  Here you will find important health and wellness updates, requests and more!  

Our Kindergarteners and Preschoolers have had an awesome September  here at Cozy Lake Elementary School! At this time, we have six Kindergarten classes and nine Preschool classes.  The students in each classroom are adjusting well to their new routines.  I am amazed at how quickly the little 3 year olds have  acclimated to their schedules and activities.  

I appreciate your cooperation as I worked diligently this month to ensure we have all the required medical documentation on each of the students.  

That said, I am still missing a few Emergency Medical Information Forms.  If you get one home in your child's backpack, please complete the information and return to me as soon as possible.   


  • If your child has a chronic medical concern and we have not yet spoken, please reach out to me so we can ensure I have the medication and paperwork necessary for me to meet their needs during the school day.
  • If your child has a food allergy or sensitivity and you would like them to eat cafeteria prepared food, please be sure to check the menu/ingredients daily to ensure food served is safe for your child (see Food Services link on district website).  All food served in the cafeteria is peanut/tree nut free. 
  • Please make sure your child has at least one complete change of clothes at school.  As the weather changes, please make sure the clothes are appropriate for the current season.   I have a very limited supply in the nurse's office.  This will prevent the unwelcome call home during the day to bring clothes for your child.  

I will be posting more information shortly so stay tuned! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  I can be reached by  email at or via phone at (973) 697-4777 ext 5535. 

Have a great day!