Friday, October 30, 2020


Hey Cozy Families, 

IT'S SNOWING!  Crazy weather, but par usual considering it's 2020!  I found this awesome video.  Fun to watch and really opens yours eyes to just how important effective and efficient handwashing is.  Lots of information on this 10 minute video.  Worth every minute.  Please watch with your family!  

Have a safe and Happy Halloween, Cozy Lake! 

Click link below for video!

How to See Germs Spread Experiment (Coronavirus) 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

"My child was sent home from school sick....When Can My Child Return???"

 Hey Families....

At this time, according to the Department of Health, the Morris County community COVID risk level is "moderate".    The community risk level is evaluated weekly and posted on the DOH website.  

The community risk level is important because it directly effects how your child's symptoms are managed in the school setting.  

Should your child exhibit certain symptoms of illness during the school day (see "COVID screening checklist" on my blog for list of symptoms), I will contact you right away and request you pick up your child as soon as possible.  When you arrive, I will provide you with the following letter.  This letter outlines what needs to take place in order for your child to return to school (according to the DOH guidelines). 

Click the link below to review the letter....

Parent Letter-When Your Child Can Return to School

As always, I am here for you!  If you have any questions or concerns, call me at (973) 697-4777 ext. 5535 or email me at  


 Hey Cozy Families, 

It has been beyond amazing to have your children back in school these last few weeks!  I am so very impressed with their ability to adjust to the new policies and procedures.  School "entry" has been especially fun.  The kids are greeted with such excitement and enthusiasm it feels like they are walking the "red carpet"!   They have all adjusted well to wearing their masks and practicing physical distancing, as well.  I am hopeful that their being here is working out well for all you guys at home.  I can only imagine how difficult this has been and continues to be for all of you and look forward to having a regular schedule in the near future.   

In the meantime, I wanted to post the "COVID" screening check list for you all.  This is the checklist I sent home on the first day of school.  It is a bit different from the "Daily Health Screening" that we posted on the website.  The "Daily Health Screening" is a wonderful, quick tool to ensure your child is healthy enough to come to school.  In contrast, the "COVID" screening checklist (developed by the Department of Health) helps determine if your child's symptoms could possibly be related to a COVID infection....

Click the link below to view the checklist....


As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!  I am here to help! Call me at (973) 697-4777 ext 5535 or email me at

Monday, October 12, 2020

***Important Procedures for Return to School***

 Student Health Questionnaire

  • For the health and safety of our school community, please review the "Student Daily Health Questionnaire" each morning prior to sending your child to school. Questionnaire is posted on this blog.

Student Entry Into School
  • Student will be welcomed with excitement into the school by the school nurse and/or another staff member.  They will have their temperature taken, asked how they are feeling, and monitored to ensure proper facial covering is in place. 
  • Student will then be directed down the hall to their classrooms.
  • Parents and visitors may enter the school by appointment only.  Visitors are required to wear facial covering, maintain 6 ft physical distancing and complete a health questionnaire prior to entry. 

Facial Coverings
  • All students and staff must wear facial coverings.
  • Facial covering may be removed for eating and during recess.
  • When facial coverings are removed they will be placed in an appropriate manner to ensure no contamination.
  • Students may remove facial coverings every 30 minutes to drink.  This is helpful as they are all adjusting to their masks.
  • Please consider sending in a reusable water bottle.  Cozy has new refillable stations for all to use as needed.
  • Students are required to supply their own facial coverings and a backup as needed. 
  • Facial coverings will be available in the nurse office in case of an emergency.
  • Neck gaitors are permitted at this time, but vented masks are NOT permitted. 
  • Facial coverings must cover nose and mouth and be snug under the chin. 

Physical Distancing
  • Physical Distancing (no less than 6 feet apart for greater than 10 minutes) will be monitored and enforced throughout the day.

Handwashing and Use of Hand Sanitizer
  • Students will wash their hands or use hand sanitizer when entering and exiting a classroom.
  • Students will wash their hands with soap and water after recess and use of the bathroom.
  • Students will wash their hands or use hand sanitizer after touching their facial covering when putting it on and off. 

Cleaning and Disinfecting
  • Extra mandated cleaning and disinfecting of the school building surfaces and classrooms will take place each day with a thorough complete cleaning of the entire building each Wednesday.  
  • Additional cleaning of classroom surfaces will take place throughout the day as needed.  Including, but not limited to the cleaning of each desk after snack.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to me at (973) 697-4777 ext. 5535.  


Student Daily Health Questionnaire

Please refer to the following questions daily prior to departing for school. 

This form is not to be returned to the school.

Question #1: Does your child have a body temperature of 100.0 degrees or above today? 

Question #2: Is your child experiencing any NEW symptoms of: 

  • cough 

  • shortness of breath 

  • sore throat

  • loss of taste or smell

  • chills 

  • muscle aches 

  • headache 

  • nausea/vomiting

  • diarrhea

  • congestion/runny nose

  • fatigue 

Question #3: Has your child been in close proximity (6 feet for 10 minutes or more)

of a person with confirmed COVID-19 in the last 14 days? 

Question #4: Has your child been tested for COVID-19 due to exhibiting

COVID-19 symptoms OR had potential exposure to someone

who may have COVID-19 and are awaiting test results?

Question #5: In the past 14 days, has your child traveled outside of the

United States or to any travel restricted state?

If you answered YES to any of the above questions, do NOT send your child or children to school. Please contact the school nurse or your doctor for further instructions. Thank you!

EXCITING NEWS!!! Return to In-Person Learning

On October 15th our K-5 kids will be able to return to in-person learning in a hybrid fashion.

We can't wait to have you all back!!! Rest assured, the kids presently in our building are having a blast and adjusting well to wearing their masks & practicing physical distancing.  In addition, our custodians are working diligently to clean and disinfect effectively and efficiently.

That said, we need your help to open successfully and keep everyone safe.  Please assist us by reviewing the "Student Health Questionnaire" (posted here on my blog) each morning prior to sending your child to school.  By doing so, you help us ensure a safe and healthy learning environment for all students. 

In addition, I will be posting a plethora of information for you to refer to in order to ensure a smooth transition back to in-person learning.  Please review and refer to my blog regularly for updates.  

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to me at (973) 697-4777 ext. 5535 or