Tuesday, October 27, 2020


 Hey Cozy Families, 

It has been beyond amazing to have your children back in school these last few weeks!  I am so very impressed with their ability to adjust to the new policies and procedures.  School "entry" has been especially fun.  The kids are greeted with such excitement and enthusiasm it feels like they are walking the "red carpet"!   They have all adjusted well to wearing their masks and practicing physical distancing, as well.  I am hopeful that their being here is working out well for all you guys at home.  I can only imagine how difficult this has been and continues to be for all of you and look forward to having a regular schedule in the near future.   

In the meantime, I wanted to post the "COVID" screening check list for you all.  This is the checklist I sent home on the first day of school.  It is a bit different from the "Daily Health Screening" that we posted on the website.  The "Daily Health Screening" is a wonderful, quick tool to ensure your child is healthy enough to come to school.  In contrast, the "COVID" screening checklist (developed by the Department of Health) helps determine if your child's symptoms could possibly be related to a COVID infection....

Click the link below to view the checklist....


As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me!  I am here to help! Call me at (973) 697-4777 ext 5535 or email me at jluisi@jefftwp.org