Monday, February 24, 2020

Wellness Week JAM

Happy Wellness Week Everyone! 

Wellness Week 2020!  Let's JAM!  JAM stands for Just A Minute.  When we JAM, we are showing support for taking JUST A  MINUTE to make a decision to be the best we can be!!!

Something new we are doing this year to support and encouraged wellness is a school wide JAM.  The JAM is a song and dance that the kids perform together.  JAM stands for Just A Minute and when the kids JAM together they are showing their unity and support for taking "just a minute" to make a decision to be the best they can be. 

The song the kids have been JAMMING to is called  "It Only Takes a Minute" by Bess Beckman, which is available in a Lyric Video on YouTube. The students will practice the JAM from now until May 6th in preparation for Project ACES Day.

ACES stands for “All Children Exercise Simultaneously”.  On Project ACES Day, the entire district will participate by exercising at the same time and, here at Cozy, we will plan to come together to perform our school-wide JAM.      

In order to better assist our staff and students in learning and practicing the JAM, the "JAM Team Leaders" agreed to being videotaped performing the JAM to share out with our school community.    

The following is the link to the "JAM Training Video” (includes the Lyric Video playing in the background).  Feel free to play the JAM at home and encourage your kids and your family to become familiar with our school wide JAM. 

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at (973) 697-4777 ext. 5535.