Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Happy Halloween!

Hello Cozy Families:

I am very excited to celebrate my first Cozy Lake Halloween!  The teachers and I have a really fun team costume planned!
Just a couple reminders to ensure all remain healthy, happy, and safe this Halloween:

  • Food will be shared during the classroom parties.  Food served is very restricted and limited to ensure all students will be safe participating in our celebration.  The following is the list of food that will be shared:

-Store bought and prepared cut up fruit and vegetables-no dips
-Sea salt (only) Pop Chips
-Rold Gold (only) Pretzels (twists, thins or sticks)
-Plain or double stuffed (only) OREOS

  • If your child's costume contains a face mask or other accessory that covers their face or head, for safety reasons please remind your child NOT to wear a mask or face covering during bus transportation.  
  • If your child's costume is "complicated" and could present a safety hazard to self or others, please have your child wait till they arrive at school to put the costume on.   
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to me at (973) 697-4777 ext. 5535. 

Have a happy Halloween everyone!