Today's kids are growing up with continuous influence from social media, movies, TV, video games, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snap chat, and more. There is a strong tendency for kids these days to compare themselves to the images projected and glorified on social media. Now more than ever before, it is important for us to frequently remind our kids that they have unique skills and talents that make them important, special, wonderful and loved.
Today, during Wellness Week, we celebrate "being yourself", "being confident" and "being comfortable with who you are". This is a lesson we all need to remember on a daily basis, no matter how old or young we are.
The Kindness Pledge helps to encourage our kids to refocus and start the day on the right path. Please consider learning and reciting the following with your kids.
"I pledge to myself on this day,
To try to be kind in every way,
To every person big and small,
I will help them if they fall.
When I love myself and others too,
that is the best that I can do.
Today the choice is mine!"
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to me at (973) 697-4777 ext 5535.