Monday, March 23, 2020

Rain and Snow Today. Don't Forget Your Vitamin D!

Hello Cozy Families!
I hope you are all starting to get into somewhat of a routine.  It's easy for me to get distracted listening to the news reports and going on social media.    I am such a "time addict" normally.  I am always so busy and complain that I never have enough time.   I guess a silver lining in this situation is that it is a "gift of time".   So, try to make the most of all this extra "time".   Really listen to your kids.  Play a board game.  Read a great book.  Clean that miscellaneous drawer.  Whatever brings you a sense of calm and peace during all the uncertainty, just go and do it!

In the meantime, we are talking about filling our bodies with the nutrients it needs to fight infection and build resilience.  Vitamin C hogs the spotlight, but Vitamin D deserves equal attention.

Vitamin D is not only important for our bones.  It plays a BIG role in ensuring our immune system runs smoothly and efficiently!  Low levels have been associated with respiratory viruses, diabetes, bone pain, and multiple cancers.  Maintaining adequate Vitamin D levels has been shown to be effective in decreasing risk of hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and even MS.

Egg yolks and fatty fish are the dietary sources of Vitamin D. But, most of us get the majority of our Vitamin D from the sun.  Living here in NJ in the winter, we see so little of the sun.

So, how do you get your Vitamin D on days like this...rainy, snowy, no sun days???  If fatty fish or egg yolks don't float your boat, consider taking a supplement every day.   Before taking any supplement be sure to discuss it with your doctor to ensure you are on the right dose and there are no contraindications with medications you might be on.

Ok,  so now you have your Vitamin C and D.  Tomorrow we will talk about selenium and zinc.  Enjoy some quality time with your family.  "See" you tomorrow!