Friday, March 20, 2020

Vitamin C Addiction!

Hello Cozy Families!
Happy Friday.  Yes, it is a happy Friday.  There's a lot of negative, discouraging news out there, but take a break from it all and look out your window.  Check out the gorgeous blue sky and the bright beautiful sun.  OK, full disclosure, it was rainy and cold this morning, but now it's warm (in the 60s) and just incredible out.  I think that's a sign.  These times are tough and stressful, but don't give up, don't let it get the best of you, bright beautiful days are ahead!  I promise!

In the meantime, let's fill up on the immune boosting Vitamin C foods that will help our body resist infection and remain strong and healthy.  When we think of Vitamin C, we think, of course, of oranges.  But there are so many other common foods out there that can help you get what you need. 

Here are some of the best;

  • Sauerkraut-crazy, right!  Great excuse to make a nitrate free hot dog!
  • Kiwi- packs a whopping 140 mg of Vitamin C.  Cut it up and add it to your smoothie, salad or granola!c
  • Red Bell Peppers- who would of thought 1 cup provides you with 3 times the amount of Vitamin C you get from an orange!
  • Thyme-I seriously had no idea.  Fresh or dried, thyme provides lots of Vitamin C.  So sprinkle some generously on your dinner tonight!
  • Peas-OK, these have lots of Vitamin C, but best to eat fresh.  They lose a quarter to half their nutrients when cooked :(
  • Citrus Fruits-but of course! Medium sized oranges have 70 mg of Vitamin C.  But don't forget grapefruit, lemons, and limes.  Plus they are all loaded with tons of other awesome immune boosting nutrients. A great healthy habit: Squeeze fresh lemon in each glass of water throughout the day!  Your immune system will love it and it's great for detoxing, too!
  • Chili Peppers- wow!  A half cup has 107.8 mg of Vitamin C!   On top of that, they are known to relieve joint and muscle pain.  Who would've thought?!?!?
  • Strawberries- all berries are loaded with Vitamin C, but strawberries are the highest at 20 mg per berry.  Try to get in the habit of making a smoothie each day and adding strawberries or blueberries to give your body an instant immune boost!
  • Broccoli- some green veggies are loaded with Vitamin C too!  Just, for some reason, broccoli looses some of its potent power soon after it's sliced and diced.  So be sure to eat once cut up. 
  • Cantaloupe- this is an amazing super-food.  I get lazy and never want to cut it up, but it's always worth the refreshing and delicious!
  • Brussel Sprouts-growing up, I hated brussel sprouts. Now, they are my favorite veggie and 85mg Vitamin C per serving.  Mix them with some EVOO, salt, pepper, garlic (and Thyme!), toss in oven on 400 for 20 min or more (till slightly browned on tips)  YUM!
  • Tomatoes- especially sun dried tasty on your salad!
  • Kale- throw some Kale or spinach in that smoothie!  If you don't love your greens, it's a great way to get a serving a day!
Ok, so now you have a good long list of Vitamin C packed foods.  So, what are you waiting for?  Be sure to load yourself and your families up with this powerful immune boosting nutrient asap!

I know it hard to stay positive.  It's hard to not feel the tension and anxiety all around you, but, seriously, look outside at the sun for a minute.  Look at the green buds starting to sprout.  Brighter days are ahead!  Stay focused on the flowers.  "See" you tomorrow, Cozy!